Is GOD Calling You?

Pastors are unique among all the vocations of man. You must have an overwhelming and heartfelt sincerity calling you to ministry. An inspired will surrendering you to a God-ordained, undeniable, prescribed destiny.

After deep consideration and much comparative research, the soul-searching questions one must answer are few, however they are to be seriously pondered. I remember when I was in your shoes and I have to admit, while it was a difficult consideration, it did become crystal clear once I searched for confirmation of my decision. I pray it becomes equally clear for you.

Here are several questions you need to ask yourself as you ponder a call to Pastoral Ministry.

( 1.) Is God calling me to Preach?

Pastoral ministry is deeply challenging, not to be entered into lightly. When one considers his call to Ministry, they desire to know that their inclinations are not self-serving and the chosen direction is not a fool’s errand, but instead, spiritually rewarding. Sometimes second-thoughts set in, leaving one looking for a some sort of evidence that they’re not on the wrong road.

( 2.) Do I meet the Pastoral, Deacon or Elder qualifications laid out in the Bible?

This is the place to start. If your character is not mature, stable, and exemplary, then you are not ready to be a Pastor. This does not necessarily mean you are on the wrong path if you don’t yet have victory over certain sins, but it means you may not be ready until you meet the Scriptural standards.

( 3.) Do the Christians who know me best, soundly affirm my gifts for ministry?

The most important call is the objective call of your local Church encouraging you to pursue Pastoral Ministry.

( 4.) Do I like to Teach all manner of people, and all ages in differing settings?

Most people thinking of Pastoral Ministry are excited to Preach. Would they be as earnest to Preach at the Rescue Mission, or excited to Teach Catechism to a group of Children?

( 5.) Is my soul stirred by good, sound Biblical Preaching?

If a man is called to Preach the gospel, he should be thrilled to hear it Preached well! The content should move him, and he should find himself thinking “Oh, that I could be proclaiming this ‘Good News’ to the people!”

( 6.) Am I deeply disturbed by bad or obnoxious Preaching?

A Pastor should be deeply disturbed when he hears the word of God proclaimed badly.

( 7.) Do I like being around and helping people?

This is a subjective consideration. A lack of truly meaningful relationships will be a problem. It could be an indication that you may be too stern or possibly too much an introvert to be effective in Pastoral Ministry.

( 8.) Do I have a strong desire to study and understand the Word?

If we are called to Preach, then we must also be always prepared to teach. To accomplish this, we must be eager to learn. Preaching grows thin and ministry get stale without time in the Book and other significant instructional books. A good Pastor will grow a large library, and learn from it.

( 9.) How long have I considered becoming a Pastor?

When students first come to Christ, they sometimes mistake a zeal for closeness with the Lord and the impulsive desire for the Word. Because of this zeal, they may be hasty in their choice to go to Seminary to Prepare for the Ministry.  The Bible insists that church leaders not be recent converts.

Only you know your heart, and whether your desire to serve the lord is impulsive or stirs your soul. Should you decide that your desire stems from a stirring deep in your soul, then you may be sincere in your choice to learn, grow and serve. If this is the case, your next choice will be to enroll.

Repentance and Faith

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