A Word on Accreditation
Christian Schools, Bible Colleges and Seminaries
The vast majority of Christian Private Schools, Bible Colleges and Seminaries elect not to be governed by the U.S. Department of Education and do not seek Government Accreditation, which is more common among Secular Colleges and Universities. Christian Educational Ministries are automatically exempt from the dictates of both the Government and secular accreditation agencies. Pastor Theological Seminary does not provide undergraduate or postgraduate degrees, with this consideration, we do not find it necessary to submit to costly regulatory agencies assigned by the Federal Government. Our mission is simply to equip Students desiring a deeper understanding of the Word, and those called to be Pastors earnestly seeking to Serve the Lord.
Secular accreditation has become nothing more than educational idolatry (Ex. 20:3). Today this intimidation is so polarizing, even Christians are afraid to attend a fundamentally sound Bible School the Federal Government hasn’t endorsed. Is “Caesar’s” sanction the criteria necessary for God to tell us well done thou good and faithful servant (Matt. 25:21), or is there something else?
Accreditation was also an issue in Christ’s day, and His ministry was never fully legitimized because He refused to submit Himself to those in charge of granting it: When Jesus was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, ‘By what authority does thou these things? Who gave thee this authority (Matthew 21:23)? What these self proclaimed authorities were saying is this: ‘Look here Jesus. Since you didn’t receive your training from a school we endorse, your education and your credentials are worthless.’
Christian Education by Distance Learning isn’t New
The fact is, Christian education by distance learning isn’t new. It was actually one of the favored methods the Apostle Paul employed for equipping the Saints with the vital Doctrines and duties accompanying the Christian faith during the first century.
Finally, and perhaps most compelling, are the products of these distance learning programs: the Student Graduates. Nowhere has this been more of a blessing than in the Christian community. Thanks to the efforts of many conservative Bible Schools, over the years hundreds of thousands of Evangelists, Pastors and Bible Teachers who probably would not have been trained otherwise, have been armed for battle in a field glutted by agnostics, skeptics and liberals (who incidentally all graduated with impressive degrees from “accredited” schools) and now are fully equipped to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints (Jude 1:3).
‘Agnostics, skeptics and liberals, all of whom would benefit most by accusing, opposing, and ultimately eliminating these Christian Schools.’
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